Thursday, February 23, 2006

That's my man

So, last night Roomie and I invited DYD and Sweetie over to watch some TV with us. We watched the Project Runway reunion special and then Project Jay. If you haven't been watching Project Runway this season, you are missing out. I think it is just as good, if not better than the first season.

Unlike most reality shows, these people have real talent and are forced to put their skills to the test. They are then judged on their abilities alone, not who is the cutest (Idol I'm looking at you). So, the reunion show was good, a nice mix of clips we never saw and candid interviews with the cast members about key moments this season.

The true highlight of last night though was Project Jay. Thank God Bravo had the sense to give that man his own special. First, he is fucking hysterical. So damn sarcastic. And he is more insightful and crazy than his time on Project Runway ever let on.

Last night he said something to the effect of "I used to wish that I was one of those fit, good-looking people, but then I realized that I would be stupid. And my mind is too beautiful for that". When he said that, I felt like he stole a page right out of one of my old journals! Oh Jay, sweetheart, I feel your pain.

If you haven't seen Project Jay yet, I highly recommend you set your Tivo, or sit your ass down for an hour to catch it during one of the many reruns in the next couple weeks. Quick side note, there is no way that I could function without my Tivo or iPod. Those are the only two "gadgets" that have changed my life so much that I can't imagine NOT having them.

I will leave you with one final though. Go out and read "The City of Falling Angels" by John Berendt, the same man who wrote "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil". It is a non-fiction book all about Venice, past and present. The story is loosely tied together by the burning down and subsequent rebuilding of the Fenice opera house. It was a really great read. My desire to see Venice has increased one-hundred fold since I read the book. Do yourself a favor and give the book a read.


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