Friday, June 03, 2005

another girl's paradise

Last night, we all agreed to meet at JR's for Power Hour. This was perfect as it gave me time to go running after work and then change. I went to the bar expecting to be there for no more than two hours. These things never end up that way. It was probably one of the strangest nights I've had at JR's in a while. Not one of the four of us was drunk the entire time we were there. I can't tell you the last time that has happened. In fact, I don't think that it has.

Anyway, after Chuck and Chris left, Nick and I agreed to pick up some movies for tonight and then head to Green Lantern. I don't know why I initially agreed, since I am no where close to liking my appearance enough to remove my shirt. But, I somehow always have fun there and went along. We got there and ran into a couple friends, including this new boy to the area I have a tiny crush on. That, coupled with great music (even a remix of Mariah's latest which I had yet to hear) made for a lot of fun. By the time shirtless hour was over, we had found more friends and a plan was developing.

Since it was Thursday night, Nick and I decided to head off to Apex for a little R&B/pop music. It is so rare that you get to hear this type of music in a gay club, that it is hard for me to resist. Words can't describe the drastic difference in clientele between Green Lantern and Apex on Thursday. GL is a slightly bear-ish older crowd. The Thursday crowd at Apex is all college kids (18+ and free entry with college ID) and mostly queens at that.

I don't know when it is that I 'grew up' so to speak, but last night it really sank in to me that I can't do the 18+ thing any more. It is a very scary thought to me when I look across the crowd and realize all the kids in there are closer in age to my little sister (21) and my nephew (18) than they are to me at 26.

The music was decent last night, but it just wasn't clicking like it should have. I think partly because I was so consumed by the age factor. When a Britney cover of "I Love Rock and Roll" came on and crowd went nuts, I thought about how most of those kids probably had no clue that Joan Jett did it first. How is it that just a few years of age can make such a huge difference?? My sister and I get along so well and most days I forget that there are nearly six years between us. Maybe she is an exception to this.

When we left the club, Nick and I were talking about how even at that age neither of us were like that. Maybe it was because we were still coming to terms with our sexuality and spent much of college and post college with straights. No matter how much of a 'queen' I become, you will not see me in a club with eye shadow on.


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