Friday, December 30, 2005

Good woman down

So, last night was completely out of control. I knew that it would be too. I met up with Chuck and Chris right after work and we headed off to JR's. After our first drink to ease into the night, Chris started up with his "Dave, this drink is too weak. I need something that will singe my nose hairs". And thus shenanigans made one of her final appearances for the year. Oh yes, I was out in my full glory.

I will now play the game that Chris loves to play, Fill in the Blanks.

- I remember leaving JR's to go to McDonald's
- I remember showing up at Green Lantern and refusing to take my shirt off
- I remember subsequently taking my shirt off, AFTER shirtless men drink free ended
- I remember making music requests and getting very excited when they were played
- I remember leaving the Lantern with two gentlemen and Chuck
- I remember falling flat on my face on S St., trying to give back attitude
- I remember going back to one gentleman's apartment where his friend and I made out on the couch, next to Chuck making out with the other dude

- I remember the guy telling me he has a boyfriend in NYC, and I remember telling him that I didn't care because the boyfriend wasn't there

- I remember finally leaving at 3 AM to head home, only to have to go back and steal Chuck's keys so that I could get my stuff out of his apartment.

Oh yes, I am such a classy bitch! Thank God we did nothing more than make out like a bunch of nervous 14 year olds. In the moment, I was pissed that dude wouldn't even give me a tug job. But, we can't always get what we want can we???


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