Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The Morning After

Last night was the JR's Christmas party. All my girls were there and we definitely made up for not hanging out, all of us together, in the last few months. Two hours of open bar plus the four of us (actually, now five with the welcome addition of Brian) are all well on our way to drunk.

One of the first things we did was to go upstairs to have our family photo taken with Mr. & Mrs. Claus. It was a beautiful photo, and I promise to post it here as soon as I get it scanned. The rest of the night was spent fighting the crowd, socializing with all our many friends, and consuming as much free booze as possible. Mission accomplished!

By the end of the night, I definitely do not remember leaving. I do remember running into Andrea, my hairdresser, at 7-11 though. I also remember apologizing for not calling her friend back after our second date. She too was drunk, and told me not to worry about it. We then started hugging in the middle of 7-11, professing our love for each other. Classic.

My other favorite memory of the night is when Big Ken told Nick that he probably wouldn't like The Mill, it would be too ethnic for him. When Nick then told Ken that I have been there, Ken replied, of course she has, she is black. Love it. Even my little sister has been told multiple times that she must be part black. There must have been something in the water when my mom was growing up in SE DC. Hehe.

Oh, also two of us girls apparently tried to Dr. Phil another sister, eyes half closed, talking over each other, swaying back and forth. Classy. Nothing like a counseling session after a night of drinking. Just know that it was all said with love and the best intentions Poodle! All in all, it was a great night out.

Today, on the other hand, I definitely want to die. I woke up at 6 this morning because there was a midget jack-hammering inside my skull. I then had to get up every twenty minutes for another glass of water until I finally got out of bed at 8:30. Oh yeah, technically, I am supposed to be at work at 8:30. Well, today it was almost 10 before I got here. Oh well. Thank God my boss is out today. There is no way I am going to get anything work related done today. All I want to do is climb back into my bed. How in the hell was I able to do this four or five nights a week??? OMG, I am getting old. Someone shoot me before I start rushing home to watch reruns of Matlock.


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