Monday, September 12, 2005

confessions, pt. 2

Just as I expected, my questions about Travis have answered themselves. My parents left on a cruise Saturday morning, so I went out to the house that afternoon to take care of the dogs for the night. I asked Travis to come out with me that night, so that we could hang out. I picked him up in Rockville and we had dinner with his rehab friend Stephanie. We had to pick her up because she is no longer living with her parents. Apparently she got drunk last week and her parents threw her out. Can we say drama?

So, after a quick dinner at Chipotle, Travis and I headed out to the hills of Carroll County. We started watching Sin City once we got home. Throughout the entire movie though, Travis would get up every twenty minutes or so and head to the bathroom, many times with his cup in hand. The first time I didn't think anything of it. Until he came back and I thought I smelled alcohol. As the night progresses, my suspicions only grew greater.

I couldn't prove that he was drinking for sure though. I sat there thinking to myself as to what I should do. At first I thought that I would be a prick and confront him about it. Then I decided that I am not his mother, his sponsor nor his nurse, so it is no business of mine. So I sat there thinking to myself, if you want to fuck up your life, go right ahead. Just know that you will not be dragging me down with you and I will not sit on the sidelines and watch you destroy what little life you have left.

We finally went to bed around 2, and of course by that time he was too drunk to even hook-up. Yes, I still wanted to hook-up with him. I sure as hell didn't invite him out to stay up all night discussing world politics. The next morning we woke up and he seemed fine. Nothing was said about his behavior the night before or anything.

After we were showered and dressed, we decided to watch another movie before I took him back to Rockville. Once again, the whole carrying my drink to the bathroom process started again. Yup, apparently he was drinking again at 10 AM. Awesome. We finished the movie and then went for a walk around the farm and through all the barns. The entire time, he was carrying around a can of "Coke" with him. I later found out this was full of wine. My parents wine.

When we left my parents, we stopped to get something to eat. During lunch, he asked me three times what I was doing Sunday night. Each time it was as if the previous time did not even happen. By the third time he asked, I was so frustrated that I considered telling him I had a bukake orgy planned for the night. When I finally dropped him off, I had decided that I was done with him and would not be seeing him again.

Alas, fate was conspiring against me. When we went to dinner with Steph on Saturday, she gave Travis a suitcase to take back to her parents house. Of course neither of us remembered it was in the trunk when I dropped him off. So, I had to go back to Rockville and drop that off. Thankfully, Steph's family was outside when I got there, so I gave it to them and didn't have to see him.

I got back to my parents house and started packing up my stuff to head back to the city. When I went out into the kitchen, I noticed that the bottle of wine on the counter was no longer there. I went and looked in the recycling and there it was. On the bright side, as Jim so wonderfully pointed out, at least he recycled.

Apparently the temptation of a bottle of wine on the counter was too great for him. That made me feel a little sad and guilty, like I should have known to lock up the alcohol in the house or something. But, then I realized that I am not responsible for his actions. If he thought it would be a problem, all he had to do was say something to me and I would have locked it up, no problem.

Upon further inspection of the house, I found his cell phone on the couch. Ugh, just great. Once more, fate is fucking with me. There is no way to avoid talking to him now. But, I will not have to see him because I am putting that phone in the mail today.

If he calls tonight, I'll explain to him that his phone is on its way to him and that I don't think it is a good idea for us to see each other any more. I will try to be diplomatic, but if he keeps pressing me, I'll let him know that he needs to work his shit out before he tries to date someone.

Thank God I had no expectations about this and found it all out very early, before I had a chance to make any sort of connection or attachments to him. Lesson learned.


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