Wednesday, June 08, 2005


"Come on baby, let's get away. Let's save our troubles for another. Come go with me, we've got it made. Let me take you on an escapade."

When I got my first text from Jamie, that may as well have been what he said. Nick and I met him at Windows for some very strong drinks of his making and karaoke with the one and only Gladys Kravitz. After seeing a wide variety of characters, including a very drunk bull-dyke twirling my girl Liz on the 'dance floor' and Steve and Miranda doing a mean rendition of that Meatloaf song "I Won't Do That". That's hot.

We left there and went to Cobalt for 80's night. The music, as usual, was awesome and I was having a great time. I did have to Janet-shame someone who shall remain nameless (Chuck) for making out with a boy instead of dancing to Escapade with me. I'm sorry, you may make-out with boys all you like, but you will not miss an opportunity to dance with me to Janet, Miss Jackson if you're nasty. ;) All in all, it was a great night out and just what this boy needed to bring me back out of the crappy mood I was in all day.

Today I showed up to work nearly two hours late (God I love that my boss is out all week) and just fooled around on email with friends. After a nice long lunch to Hamburger Marys, I came back to work and back to reality. My mom called me to let me know that she was in the hospital Monday night and part of Tuesday for chest pains. This has happened before and, sadly enough, in addition to a history of cancer, my family has a long history of heart problems. The doctors did a ton of tests and didn't find anything serious with here heart and think it was probably just stress induced. Fucking Aunts are driving my mom to the hospital. Those cunts cannot leave town soon enough.

Now, they said everything seemed OK with her heart. However, they did find a small lump on her lung. It didn't show on a chest x-ray, but it did on a CT Scan. For the general public, you probably have no clue what that means really. I wouldn't either if it weren't for my own battle with cancer five years ago (save that for another blog or five). basically, it means the lump is very small and most likely something that just developed recently. They are bringing her back in three months to see if it has grown or anything. Nothing to worry about. Yet.

This really scares the crap out of me. I love both my parents, but my mom is my rock. I don't know what I would do without her. I know I have nothing to worry about right now, but it just makes you realize that your parents aren't going to be around forever. Ugh, this is way too much for a Wednesday afternoon.

Thank God Jamie is coming down again tonight and we are going to dance to some hip-hop at Chaos with the lesbians. "Come on baby, let's get away. Let's save our troubles for another. Come go with me, we've got it made. Let me take you on an escapade."


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