Wednesday, September 21, 2005

can't take my eyes off you

There he was, standing across from me. I hadn't seen him in about six months, but I recognized him immediately. We locked eyes and I almost melted inside. There is something about his eyes that drives me crazy. The way he looks at me, with such intensity and that hint of a grin, I just can't resist him.

We continue this little game for at least ten minutes. As far as I'm concerned, it is only he and I in the room. Nothing else exists around me. We continue staring at each other for a good five minutes. Neither of us willing to be the first to look away.

The way he looks at me drives me crazy. It makes me want to push people out of the way and ravage him right there. He isn't the hottest guy I've ever seen, not even someone that would necessarily stand out in a crowded bar. But, the intensity radiating behind his eyes is more than I can handle.

Eventually we part ways, still staring at each other until we can no longer see each other. Will I see him again? I hope so. DC is not that big, so the odds are in my favor. Next time I will approach him and at least find out his name. Moments like that should not be passed up.


Blogger AvR said...

What the hell is that first comment all about? Thanks for the PSA.

Regardless....reading your post, two songs sprang to my head: first "can't take my eyes off of you", obviously; and second "it had to be you".

Now I'll be humming for the rest of the morning. But it's cool.

9:25 AM  

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